Monday, December 6, 2010

dammit nightmare !

bisa - bisanya sabtu malem kemarin mimpi pacaran sama sulistyo, temen satu kelas saya (lebih tepatnya teman terpaksa satu kelas). bukannya gimana2 ya, fakta aja kalo emang tu anak rese', mana bau badan lagi .. Loh, bener lhoooo bukan saya aja yang ngerasain kalo bau badannya emang bau , temen saya si Wilda juga ngerasain hal yang sama. bener bener bau keringet asam manis sambel ketek dah . hahahahhaha .. hina .. uh, paling sebel lagi kalo musti satu kelompok sama tu anak, hari paling sial mungkin. .. ahh , pokoknya jangan sampe keulang tu mimpi , yg paling penting jangan sampe deh jadi kenyataan . . fiuh ..

sing sing sing song

gag tau kenapa, saya jadi kembali keranjingan karokean . setelah beberapa bulan lalu penyakit ini sembuh, sekarang jadi kambuh lagi. sekarang lebih parah , kalau nyanyi sok yes banget, nyanyiannya yang nadanya tinggi, udah gitu tereak - tereak gag jelas sampai suaranya habis (kalau suaranya pales sih, emang udah dari dulu) .. hehe .. beberapa hari lalu karokean sama si honhon ku . the favourite song is Goodbye from air suply .. keren deh tu lagu .. ngena banget bro lyricnya, guweh banget getohh (gaya anak alay ngomong) ! hehe .


Artist: Air Supply
(David Foster, Linda Thompson)
I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and I sympathize
And I'll never criticize all you've ever meant to my life

I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but good-bye
You deserve the chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
Losing you is painful to me


You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to try
Though it's gonna hurt us both
There's no other way than to say good-bye